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  • 培训十大正规赌博平台大全 & 俄亥俄州辛辛那提的大学

    辛辛那提的FORTIS学院, OH provides career education and training to people in metropolitan 辛辛那提 in the 护理, 医疗保健, 医疗, 牙科和技术行业的职业领域.  FORTIS College is proud to be a contributing member to the 俄亥俄州 community in more ways than one.

    你想成为一名护士吗?  你看过俄亥俄州辛辛那提市的护理学校吗?  如果你回答是, then you should investigate the 护理 programs at FORTIS College in 辛辛那提.  护理课程将训练你的技能,使你通过执照考试,成为一名注册护士.  The 护理 program at FORTIS in 辛辛那提 has frequent class starts so contact us today for more information on pursuing a career as a nurse in 俄亥俄州 or northern 肯塔基州.

    Being a practical nurse is a rewarding and fulfilling career for many.  美国劳工统计局报告称,执业护士的整体就业前景预计将在全国范围内非常好,在护理设施和家庭医疗保健服务方面前景最好.  辛辛那提富通斯学院的护理实践课程, OH将为你准备技能,使你在毕业后通过执照考试,成为一名入门级执业护士.

    If like to solve practical problems and enjoy working with your hands, then you should check out the 熟练的交易 programs at FORTIS College 辛辛那提. 在暖通空调- r十大正规赌博平台大全中,学生学习如何维护和修理供暖系统, 通风, 空调和制冷系统.  Train to become an 暖通空调 technician or 暖通空调 installer because homes and businesses in 俄亥俄州 will all need their heating and cooling systems serviced sooner or later.

     In 医疗保健, FORTIS College offers programs in 医疗协助 and 牙科协助.  事实上, 美国劳工统计局将医疗助理和牙科助理列为从现在到2018年增长最快的职业.  在俄亥俄州,那些接受过适当培训的人在医疗办公室和牙科诊所工作的前景是光明的.

    FORTIS学院的焊接课程以其在俄亥俄州的雇主中赢得的良好声誉而自豪.  FORTIS welding students get to show both their artistic and technical welding skills on a variety of projects during the 焊接技术 program.

    在辛辛那提的FORTIS学院, OH, we pride ourselves in preparing our students with exceptional hands-on training, 为他们未来成功的机会做准备. 我们的文凭和学位课程旨在帮助学生终身和继续教育. 我们经验丰富的教师帮助学生提供洞察力和专业知识,希望在现有和新兴的职业生涯中取得成功

    .在加入FORTIS学院和研究所网络之前,辛辛那提富通学院的前身是Bohecker学院.  校园距离费尔菲尔德森林公园只有很短的车程 & 诺伍德.


    根据美国劳工统计局的数据, 医疗保健 and 医疗 career opportunities are forecast to grow over the next decade, due in part to our aging population and increased need for 医疗保健. Fortis offers a variety of 医疗 and 医疗保健 training programs to help meet this need.

    富通学院的牙科辅助和牙科培训课程帮助学生获得所需的技能和知识,以证明他们获得相关许可所需的能力,并开始新的职业生涯. 牙科 assistants and dental hygienists are critical members of the 医疗保健 team and Fortis’s dental training programs can help prepare you for a new career.


    The following program(s) may require licensure or 认证 to obtain employment. Please find your program of interest to determine if the program meets the educational requirements for licensure or 认证 in your state.